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Our story

Sav and Salve was officially created in 2025 by Savannah Scott. But she started making tallow years prior. After her oldest, Kane was struggling with severely dry/ eczema-prone skin and what seemed like no over the counter or prescription creams were helping, she came across beef tallow. After using it for a while on Kane and herself, she noticed a big improvement in his dryness and less eczema flare ups. Savs skin was improving also-not so red and dry. She realized this was the answer, but as a stay at home mom she needed to not spend so much on a product and having a family history of resilient, hardworking and brave women who always seemed to “make it myself”, to she started creating tallow cream at home. When she had extra tallow, her extended family and friends would try it. After years of tweaking her recipe over and over to make it a good texture, smell nice and able to keep good for a long time, she finally did it!  what started as an act of desperation has evolved into something more. Sav has a passion to help others and is honored to share this amazing product with everyone.  At S&S, we handcraft fresh skincare products focusing on high quality, natural, and when Sav can find it in our small town, local ingredients. We are proud to be a women owned and operated small business with big dreams. This is just the beginning. 





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